Delivering high quality products without compromising on choice.
Here, you can find our latest product range which is aimed at improving patients’ quality of life without breaking the budget.
Here, you can find our latest product range which is aimed at improving patients’ quality of life without breaking the budget.
Combining leading brand quality with great prices, we bring you a range of products for your various wound care requirements.
Available to order through NHS Supply Chain, Drug Tariff, MidMeds or from us directly, our portfolio covers bandages & support, dressings, medical tapes and all the accessories your wound care needs.
To view our extensive portfolio, visit our website or click on the button below.
Our new Emperor Stoma pouches are available in both flat and convex, and have been specifically designed to be secure, comfortable and kind to the skin.
They have all the essential features expected of a closed and drainable pouch but without carrying the premium prescription cost.
Whether you are a new ostomate or have had your stoma for a while, please check out our website by visiting or by clicking the button below.